What is the Mind?

June 19 – 29, 2019

Advanced course led by Geshe Keslang Wangmo

This is an 11- day ADVANCED course.

Pre-requisites for this course are: having previously taken an Introduction to Buddhism course AND an Intermediate-level course at Tushita, Kopan Monastery or a similar Lam Rim course.

Buddhism is often referred to as a “Science of Mind”. Understanding the nature, characteristics, and functioning of our mind are the very foundation of Buddhist philosophy and practice. The Buddha says in the Dhammapada:

        All things are preceded by the mind, led by the mind, created by the mind

At present we do not have much control over our mind, or over feeling calm, happy, etc. and avoiding problems and difficulties. To gain more control we need to transform the mind, which will be facilitated by understanding its nature and functioning, its objects, the different types of mind, and so forth.

It is by developing an awareness of our habitual thought patterns, the mental events that occur within specific mindsets, how these mental events arise, etc., that we can make changes. Although these changes are very slow and gradual, they will drastically improve the quality of our present life. They will serve as a basis for overcoming shortcomings like craving, aversion, jealousy, etc., and will eventually enable us to attain liberation and Buddhahood.

This is why Tushita offers an intensive study retreat on the topic of the mind  – traditionally known as ‘Lorig’ (Awareness and Knowledge) – lead by Geshe Kelsang Wangmo.

During the course we examine the nature of consciousness, its functions, divisions, objects, and causes – especially from the point of view of the Middle Way Consequentialist (Madhyamika Prasangika) School of Buddhism. We discuss mind and mental factors, the nature of afflictions, and so forth.

Course Materials

What is the Mind? by Geshe Kelsang Wangmo

Recommended Reading

The course will be based on Science of the Mind which is the second volume of “Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics” a four-volume series (of which only the second volume is currently available in English) that brings together classical Buddhist scientific and philosophical explorations of the nature of reality, conceived by H.H. the Dalai Lama and compiled under his visionary supervision. A booklet on the course material will also be made available to the students. The sessions will be combined with guided meditations in order to give participants an opportunity to delve deeper into the topic.

To receive the greatest benefit from this advanced course, the best preparation would be to do the reading and listening of the audio of Geshela’s course with same topic in 2013.

Audio Recordings