May 17 – 26, 2025
This special 10-day residential course is open to all levels of practitioners: beginners and experienced alike.
We are honoured and delighted that Geshe Tenzin Zopa accepted our request to give for the first time a 10-day course at Tushita!
This special course will be based on the 37 Practices of Bodhisattva, a text by Togmay Sangpo, one of the great bodhisattvas who became an Arya Bodhisattva within a very short period through practising the 37 practices. He then revealed this teaching in a condensed and practical way so that beings like us will be able to immediately apply them in our every day life.
Geshe Tenzin Zopa:
“When we come together for Dharma discourse, it is not simply for fun or to pass our time. It is to extract knowledge as mindfood, not for the sake of intellectual knowledge but solely to benefit others each day, according to one’s best ability until one attains full enlightenment. Our coming together with the right motivation can change the world. To change the world does not mean changing the external world; it means changing your inner world, your own mind, for only then, can you influence and transform the minds of others on the planet. This is the sole purpose for learning the 37 Practices of to Enlightenment, the 37 practices of the Bodhisattvas, without which there is no means by which one can become a Buddha.
This teaching is a special lineage practice undertaken by all the past by great Tibetan yogis and now by His Holiness The Dalai Lama and our Gurus. The 37 Practices are indispensable throughout one’s spiritual life – from the preliminary stages of one’s practice up to and beyond Buddhahood because it is the means by which sentient beings can be helped and guided.
Geshe Tenzin Zopa was born in 1972 in the Tsum Valley in Nepal. He entered Sera Jey University in 1990 to undertake extensive studies in Tibetan Buddhist philosophy and graduated as a Geshe in 2007.
The highly esteemed late Geshe Lama Konchok, became Geshe Zopa’s spiritual and temporal guardian when Geshe-la was three. From that time Geshe Lama Konchok gave Geshe Zopa commentaries on various important Buddhist sutra and tantra texts.
Geshe Tenzin Zopa became Geshe Lama Konchok’s closest disciple and was his assistant and translator until his teacher’s death in 2001.
The multi award-winning documentary Unmistaken Child covers his search over 5 years for the recognised reincarnation of his late master.
Geshe-la entered Kopan Monastery in 1984 and was ordained as a monk. At Kopan he studied Tibetan language, English, Nepali, art, lama dance, ritual, puja, and Buddhist philosophy.
He became close to, and received teachings from many high lamas across many different lineages. During his adult life Geshe Tenzin Zopa has worked for his close teacher, Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche, as an international touring Geshe within Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT). He has taught extensively across the world in Europe, the Indian sub-continent, Asia, and Australia and was the longest serving Resident Teacher of Losang Dragpa Centre, Malaysia.
Projects undertaken by Geshe-la include taking responsibility for the temporal and spiritual development of Rachen Nunnery and Mu Monastery, Tsum, Nepal and supervising the completion of the 1000 Buddha Relics Memorial Stupa at Kopan Monastery, Nepal.
A prolific teacher, Geshe-la is the author of 12 books, Buddha Nature and Preliminary Prayers and Their Explanations, Karma & the 12 Links, Ask the Geshe – Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times, Mirror to Your Life, Whose Truth?, The Yamantaka Short Sadhana Practice, Meditation, A concise commentary to the Lamp on the Path to Enlightenment, Lam Rim – Graduated Path to Enlightenment” and Buddhist Tenets – A commentary on Chokyi Gyaltsen’s A Presentation of Tenets, The Thousand Buddha Relic Stupa, The Holy Child of Kopan and 3 more are in the pipeline 37 Practices to Enlightenment, Commentary on the Bodhicaryavatara and Buddhist Tantra – The Practice of Purity.
You will find many resources based on these teachings on Geshe Zopa’s website:
Geshe Tenzin Zopa is undertaking the important responsibility of overseeing the physical, mental and spiritual development of Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche, the unmistaken reincarnation of the late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog.
He is currently based in Australia and has extensive commitments worldwide, as he follows the advice of Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche in his work for the FPMT, helping students to understand and put into practice the teachings of the Buddha internationally.
Course Details
This course requires a non-refundable/ non-transferable deposit. See our Frequently Asked Questions for more information on this. Please only register if you can make this deposit promptly!
Please visit these links for general information about our residential courses, especially the retreat environment.
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