Sunday, April 9, 2023 @ 3 – 5pm (IST)
Hybrid Event: In person & Online
We are happy to announce that Rangjung Neljorma Khadro Namsel Drolma, also known as Khadro la, has very kindly accepted to give a teaching on “Bodhicitta” on Sunday, April 9 at 3-5pm.
Khadro-la is very humble and likes to keep a low profile, so we are extremely pleased about this rare opportunity to receive teachings from this amazing Lama.
All are welcome and there is no registration needed!
Please be aware that we are currently hosting a course, so we would also like to request all visitors to respect the silence at Tushita. All our students are in silence and would greatly appreciate your support.
Thank you for your understanding & cooperation and we hope to see you soon at Tushita or online!
Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s description of Khadro-la
July 2010 at Tushita
Kha.Dro – Sky.Goer
The skygoer, one who directly sees the emptiness of phenomena.
A Tibetan lady, a dakini, who is not an ordinary being, who is not like you or me, whose mind has gone beyond, way beyond. Although the appearance of a young Tibetan lady, the reality is gone beyond, she has the direct perception of emptiness, she has directly realized the truth of self and phenomena.
If you know about Milarepa, whose Guru Marpa made him be enlightened in a brief lifetime of degenerated time. If you know about these things, she is Milarepa’s guru Marpa’s secret mother. (Called secret mother because a consort is still practicing, the secret mother has already attained enlightenment.)
She is the mother of Marpa’s son. Milarepa, who on his mother’s advice went to learn black magic. Then he went to his aunt’s and uncle’s where he killed 30, 60, 70 people, also animals, horses. His Guru, Marpa, already an enlightened being, knew exactly how to guide him. He insists he does many 100,000 mandala offering, Vajrasattvas, refuge & prostrations as preliminaries and then he was advised to build a 9-storey tower 3 times by himself alone, by Milarepa alone. Then he initiated and gave all the teachings and then sent to the mountains to meditate on the Path. So his Guru, Marpa made Milarepa achieve Enlightenment in a brief lifetime of this degenerated time.
This shows if you did something wrong in early life, you can still be good, you can still achieve enlightenment.
She is also one of the 5 long life sister protectors – the auspicious long life protector called Tashi Tsering, the consort of Milarepa, to complete the path, as he reached a very high level on the tantric path to achieve full enlightenment quickest.
As well as Padmasambhava’s sister, the dakini Yeshe Tsogyal.
As well as Tara, if you understand what Tara means.
She came from Tibet to protect His Holiness, to offer service to Him, to fulfill His holy wishes. She was sent by Milarepa from Tibet.
Thank you for your kind generosity & we rejoice in your merit!